Factors influencing facade
What are Factors influencing facade ?
The facade of each building as an element of the facade of the urban complex
Factors influencing facade construction are that we do not have a building in the urban space.
In fact, every building is a part of the urban space
Its ugliness affects public spaces, and its beauty depends on harmony with the other elements of the place.
The building is not an isolated and self-sufficient entity that can attract all the attention of the designer and the owner.
Rather, it must be an element of a unified society while maintaining its character and credibility

What are the elements of the façade?
Façades should be organized into three major components; the base, body, and the cap. These elements transcend style and relate architecture to the human body with the visual analogy of feet, torso and head. The feet provide stability, the torso provides height and bulk, and the head provides identity.
View as an interface
The facade of the building should be designed in such a way that, despite the protection of the indoor environment from the outside, the communication of the outdoor space with the indoor environment is well established.
For example, it is possible for light to shine inside or for the outside eye to use
View as a reagent
As a person’s clothing represents his personality,
The house, like the second dress, must represent the character and social status of its owner.
In Western architecture, it has a display mode,
In this way, in the first place, it shows the person who lives behind it.
In fact, the facade represents the family and social class of the landlord.
In addition to introducing the owner’s personality, the facade also represents the location of the property and the type of use of the building.

Building facade and environmental conditions
The appearance of each residential unit varies depending on environmental conditions, including weather, wind and storms, earthquakes and the amount of air pollutants in different areas. The materials used in the facades of large and industrial cities with high pollution are different compared to the materials used for the facades of small cities that have clean air. Also, the facades of buildings in cold regions are resistant to frost or insulation. Cold and heat are different from those used in tropical areas.
Composite view:
Composites are a unique class of materials that are made up of a combination of two or more separate materials, the strength of which is greater than that of any of the components. Today, composites are used for the exterior of a building. Composite sheets consist of two layers of aluminum and a core of plastic or a filler mineral that is placed between these two layers. Since it is not possible to find a substance that has all the desired properties, another solution must be sought. The key to this problem is the use of composites.
The properties of composites in general are better than any of their constituent components, and different components improve each other’s performance, and this is one of the advantages of composites. Other advantages of composites include lightness, ease of assembly, repair and repair. However, composites perform poorly in terms of flexibility in execution. In the end, composite sheet can be used as the best and most suitable material for facades of buildings.
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