Light in the interior and exterior of the building
What important Does light give in an exterior and interior of a building?
Whether it’s daylighting or artificial lighting, light draws attention to textures, colors, and forms of a space, helping architecture achieve its true purpose. Vision is the single most important sense through which we enjoy architecture, and lighting enhances the way we perceive architecture even more.
What is the difference of lighting fixtures between interior and exterior lighting?
Light in the interior and exterior of the building
If we ignore the full and natural light of the sun, the extent and quality of which cannot be compared with other lights,
The use of artificial blue light and lighting fixtures has become a necessary and permanent necessity.
Especially the role of light in the interior and exterior of the building makes lighting in interior architecture very important and attractive.
With the increase in the efficiency of the electricity industry and the related technology facilities, the use of related products has also increased significantly;
Admittedly, lighting has paved the way for a shift in architectural knowledge and design.
These products, which include a variety of lights and lighting systems,
They are the main tools of lighting.
With the variety of these tools, designers face a problem
And that is the right choice of optical device and determining the right place for it.
Such a problem is more complicated than providing a little light.
Although light bulbs can easily meet the low light requirements,
It is clear that the exact aspects of comfort and the subtleties of aesthetics cannot be afforded by these simple devices.
In fact, the knot of work is not in the production and provision of light, but the regulation of light sources to create a suitable visual environment is the main issue.
The Anthropological Museum is mechanized with traditional architecture and the use of elements and symbols of Iranian architecture itself
To introduce the culture, beliefs and traditions of Iranians.
But what has given this museum a special look
The art of light is a paradigm shift that combines color, light, art and
lighting equipment to create a unique charm in this museum.
In order to attract tourists, they will leave beautiful memories of the culture of this land in their memory.

The art of lighting
This museum was designed and implemented by Kaman Abi Shahr Company
It is a testament to the extent to which the art of lighting can have a positive effect
on communication with the audience
And it will give a beautiful and new look to the recreational and tourist places that are found in abundance in Iran and cause the prosperity of this possibility.
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