How to run interior composite
How to run interior composite Premium Bond
Decorative design with premium bond INTERIOR sheets provide designers and architects with a collection of amazing models and designs.
So that architects can expand their imagination without any restrictions
And access a unique blend of architectural art.
This collection has other notable features such as high flexibility, light weight, washability, easy and fast installation, uniform and smooth surface and a 15-year factory warranty, and can add to the richness of an architectural work.
How to run premium bond interior composite, can be applied in several ways
Here are two ways to make a brief premium interior composite sheet:

Method of execution using substructure chassis :
This installation method can be used if there is unevenness, protrusion and depression in the desired surface.
In this method, MDF substructure with different thicknesses is used for substructure.
And the MDF surface is completely glued and pressed
And then the cover is installed directly on the wall or any other part that is intended.
It should be noted that in the mentioned method, due to the chassis, different thicknesses of 1.5 mm to 3 miles can be used.

Implementation method on the surface directly :
In this method, the above aluminum composite sheets without the use of substructure chassis (and directly)
And with a thickness of more than 2 mm on the surface to be installed, which must be perfectly smooth and uniform and always
And the adhesive operation is done completely, it is installed.
Use interior composite sheets
Today, the use of various types of interior composite aluminum sheets and stone designs that have a similar structure to fiberglass
Inside the building, between the kitchen cabinets, around the columns, parts of the reception hall, around the fireplace, the entrance of the building
And many other places have become commonplace.
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