The importance of building facade lighting
The Introduction of Facade Lighting
The importance of building facade lighting
The value and importance of residential facade lighting
In today’s age of technology, the principles and importance of building facade lighting and the quality of this lighting distribution system are extremely important and of great value. Recently, LED projectors have been used in residential building facade lighting projects.
The very durable and stable structure of these projectors is one of its most important advantages.
One of the reasons for this strength and durability is the use of high quality power LED in its construction.
High electrical efficiency, optimal output light volume, adjustable light transmission range and very low power consumption,
All and sundry are the advantages of LED projectors for lighting the facade of a residential building.

Introducing the best facade lighting methods for residential buildings
In recent years, the lighting of the facade of a residential building has increased day by day
And it has attracted a lot of fans and enthusiasts inside and outside Iran.
The reason is that people all like the view of the city where they live with the buildings and towers of the skylight illuminated.
Shine at the height of beauty and brightness.
However, due to the changes and developments in the world of architecture and IT technology, we are witnessing solutions and methods of lighting the facade of the building with new methods.
Power consumption in facade lighting
One of the main issues in the field of residential building facade lighting is the issue of electricity consumption.
Naturally, all building facade lighting systems will increase the overall cost of the building’s electricity consumption.
Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most principled and cost-effective method for lighting the facade of our residential building.
Principled lighting
Another noteworthy point is how to properly use and guide the principles of lighting to illuminate the facade of the building.
Because if building facade lighting is implemented unprofessionally,
The result is the opposite and makes the appearance of the building look inappropriate.
One of the best lighting solutions for building facades, along with reducing electricity consumption,
Lighting is part of the facade of a residential building instead of all parts of the facade with lighting system lights.
It is true that with the lighting of the whole facade, the facade of your building may shine more brightly than other buildings
But you have to pay a lot of money for it.
Reduce the cost of electricity consumption in lighting
But if only certain parts of the building’s facade are illuminated, in addition to the unique beauty it gives to your building, it can be done without incurring exorbitant costs. On the other hand, the maintenance costs of the lights related to the lighting system will be minimized. In addition, the installation of keys to turn all or some of the facade lights on and off in unnecessary situations is absolutely necessary.

Choose the lighting of the facade of the building according to its architecture
Use LED strips in secret
The choice of facade lighting depends on the architecture of the facade. If your building has ordinary windows, one of the ways to save money on building facade lighting is to use hidden LED strips that are installed in the upper and lower parts of the windows. This solution can be very useful and effective, especially for buildings that have a completely normal view or buildings that are not licensed to use building facade lighting. The municipality will not interfere with this type of lighting, because the appearance of the building is completely dark and only a clear pattern of clear lines and shapes can be seen.
Use of LED projectors
If you want the look and feel of your building’s facade and large areas to be beautiful, dazzling, yet affordable, we recommend using LED projectors. Due to their waterproof capability, these types of projectors can withstand years of heavy snowfall and heavy rains and have a long life.
Note that LED projectors are a great alternative to metal halide and sodium type projectors due to their lower energy consumption and higher percentage of light output, and also produce good lighting.
These projectors are made in such a way that they can be easily installed on cement, wood and gypsum surfaces, and in addition to being installed on the facades of buildings and walls, they can also be installed on top of lighting beams.
Building facade lighting system lamps
In this part of the article, we are going to look at some tips on how to replace a building’s facade lighting system.
Occasionally, light bulbs used to illuminate a building’s facade burn out over time and need to be replaced. Since the issue of electricity consumption and electricity costs is very important in building lighting facades,
the best and most appropriate way to save energy in building facade lighting is to use lamps that have high efficiency and output light. In fact, we mean that the lamps should be installed in the right places.
Do not use too many lamps to illuminate the facade of the building
If the facade of the building is illuminated with a large number of lamps,
but these lamps are not installed in their proper places,
although it will make your building more bright and beautiful among other buildings, but without a doubt,
the viewer will like it. It will not happen.
With a little care and attention, with a minimum number of lamps,
a beautiful and very luxurious building facade lighting can be provided
and the brightness and attractiveness of the facade can be increased more than before.
It should be noted that the installation of lamps in the facade of the building largely depends on the type
of architecture and construction of the building.

Replacement of facade lighting lamps
The main point in lighting the facade of the building and replacing the facade lights is the operation related to the proper and professional replacement of these lamps, which are mainly done by using ropes.
It is worth noting that in those scenes where there is no need for high light intensity,
by using LED strips next to the windows,
the light intensity can be spread in the building facade and prevent direct light radiation
and They give a beautiful beauty to the facade of the building.
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