Price of fireproof composite sheet
Fireproof Aluminum Composite Panel with Best Price
As you know, in order to estimate the Price of fireproof composite sheet , it is better to get acquainted with the features of composite sheets and panels and then look for the price of aluminum composite sheet.
Knowing the features and specifications of aluminum composite products and sheets will allow you to make the best choice when estimating the cost and price of aluminum composite sheets.
And by considering the price of composite sheets, you can have a better purchase and sale than aluminum composite sheets.

In previous articles, we introduced you to the price of composite sheets for interior design
We also provide you with the average price of composite sheets.
In addition, by reading the previous articles, you can get a lot of information about the price of composite sheets in US dollars.
Follow us to learn more about the price of refractory composite sheets.
Types of refractory composite sheets
There are two types of refractory aluminum composite sheets, including Class B1 and Class A2.
Refractory composite sheet B1
Class B1 refractory aluminum composite sheet reduces ignition by about 55%.
The main elements of this type of composite sheets are aluminum oxide, magnesium oxide, when aluminum composite sheets are exposed to fire.
After 5 minutes, it starts to catch fire and goes out in 10 seconds. This type of feature affects the price of composite sheets.

Refractory composite sheet A2
A2 refractory aluminum composite sheets reduce ignition by about 88% to 90%.
The main elements of this type of refractory aluminum composite sheets and plates are composed of aluminum hydroxide, and magnesium hydroxide.
This type of refractory aluminum composite sheet starts to burn after 20 minutes
And all of a sudden, the fire goes out and the aluminum composite sheets don’t burn.
The price of refractory aluminum composite sheet varies from about $ 15.38 to $ 20.2.
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